Empower Customer Engagement with SMS for business

Discover a powerful way to communicate with customers, clients, and prospects with SMS for business purposes. Let recipients reply to your messages to get customer support and for valuable feedback.


Two Factor Authentication

Dual-factor authentication stands as one of the most dependable security assessments currently accessible in the market. Its popularity is widespread, not just within the banking sector, but across various applications and solutions. We offer the ability to encrypt SMS content on our servers, rendering numbers indistinguishable when necessary.


Track and Trace

Utilizing SMS, you can ensure your customers stay updated regarding their deliveries. Notify them when an order is sent out or successfully delivered. Additionally, you can monitor the global whereabouts of your containers.


Booking and Scheduling

Validate reservations and issue timely reminders. If you’re already using a reservation system, we can seamlessly link it to our SMS platform via an API. This way, you can effortlessly validate reservations and dispatch reminders


Alarms and Notifications

We open the gateway for any type of customer communication. SMS empowers you to dispatch critical alerts. Imagine weather advisories or storm alerts. Moreover, consider scenarios like a vehicle owner receiving a notification for an oil change or a reminder that the home heating is still inactive.

SMS marketing

Achieve more than mere contact outreach. Personal touches such as using your customer’s name or order number can be added to your SMS. These can be offers, discounts, coupons, or notifications via SMS. It resembles email marketing but revolves around a phone number instead of an email address.

Start your journey with us today

Start your journey with us today

Would you like us to call you? Leave us your number and fill in the time when you are available.

Would you like to receive more information? Leave us your e-mail address.

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Simply want to know more? Give us a call.